Thursday, May 12, 2022

#ReviewTour #KindleUnlimited #99Pennies - Jaded by A.P Watson

Title: Jaded
Author: A.P. Watson 
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 6, 2022
Cover Design: Emily Wittig of Emily Wittig Designs

Since that day, I’ve lived unapologetically. But my lifestyle is just a ruse to distract myself from everything I try to forget. Money, booze, and women are always within reach. Being a successful musician means I want for nothing, and I take advantage of that fact too. When all the emotions I’ve buried deep inside begin to take a toll on my creativity, I can’t help but succumb to every desire and whim, and behaving selfishly seems to come so easy to me these days.

For the most part, I haven’t dwelled on my faults, but after meeting the woman hired to be my new assistant, I can’t keep up the fake façade I’ve adopted. Dylan tears down every one of my walls with ease because being selfless seems to be as natural to her as breathing. I should keep my personal and professional lives separate, yet that small voice deep inside, the one I’ve ignored for so long, is screaming that I won’t get hurt again. Instead, it’s begging me to seek salvation within the comfort of her arms.


A.P. Watson is a contemporary and paranormal romance author from Tennessee. When she’s not writing, she can be found working as a nurse practitioner, spoiling her dog, or recreationally pole dancing.


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