Title: The Relationshit Show
Author: S. Cole
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Once upon a time, there was a young girl who thought she found the love of her life at only fourteen years old . . . but after five years of puppy love combined with ‘we think we’re grown’ love, her fairy tale came to an end.
That girl was me.
I’m Cole and this is my story, my journey, and as it turned out, my hot mess of a dating life.
There are the guys who ghosted me and also the one who returned like a zombie again and again. There are drunken adventures and one night stands. There's even that time I became a bride for the span of a night.
While struggling with writer’s block and depression, I jotted it all down, kept the records, and now I’m ready to share it with you.
Yeah, you!
I’ve condensed it all into seventeen episodes of love, life, lust and the chaos of millennial dating. So get comfortable, grab your popcorn, some tissues, and of course that bottle of wine. It’s time to binge on your favorite reality star... me.

One night, I was sitting on my floor. That reads like I don’t do this a lot. Trust me, I do. My floor is very comfortable. Anyway, that particular night, however, I was drunk on wine—again, not a rarity—writing in my journal. Here, read it. Here’s what I wrote that one night:
Dumped. Again. Seems to be the story of my life. Literally, my entire life. Twenty-seven years of being dumped time and time again. I should be numb to it by now, right? Aren’t you? I mean, someone comes along and you feel all shiny and new and hopeful for what’s to come. Then a warm hand touches you and looks inside and sees your potential and says yes, yes, this is the one. You’re perfect for me. Yes. Then they take you home, fill you up, and when they’re done, you’re useless. You get thrown in the pile with all the other ones that came before you and it’s on to the next one. Although, you may not know exactly what I’m talking about because you are just a journal. But on the other side of the same token, you should know exactly what I’m talking about because you’re filled with my thoughts . . . my feelings . . . my heartaches and struggles and laughs and giggles and oh my Lord, I’m 27 fucking years old and I’m writing in my journal about boys—scratch that—men. Nope. Scratch that again, I was right the first time—boys.

S. Cole, otherwise known as Shay, is kind of a hot mess. A fun hot mess, but a mess nonetheless. She gets shit done, but . . . ya get the point. Shay is a daughter, sister, friend, and great worker! She’s really awesome at all of those things, but she probably writes best. She has written stories for as long as she can remember. Like, at least since she was seven years old. That’s when she wrote her first book. Shay loved conjuring up stories so much, she continued writing them into her twenties. But now, she can drink while she’s doing it, so it’s even better! Maybe that’s why the characters that reside in her little black heart finally bothered her enough that she had to actually share them with readers. #winemademedoit
Shay grew up in a home where she was taught to embrace her inner nerd and creativity . . . and her short stature. At 5’1, Shay is that short girl who writes about the deranged and devious. For some reason, she strayed from her usual love of crime fiction to write something funny. She once told her friend ‘I write dark shit, but when I’m in a dark place, I’ve got to write light’.
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