Title: Cage’s Misconduct
Author: Nikki Worrell
Genre: Sports Romance
Release: September 28, 2015
Dalton ‘Cage’ Booker is the number one goalie for the San Diego Scorpions. Most people describe him as willful and stubborn—sometimes even difficult to control. More often than not, words fly out of his mouth without the benefit of passing through his brain first. And women love him.
Karen LaGrange, little sister of the former enforcer for the Scorpions, lives in Canada, where she works with special needs children. After losing her job to downsizing, she makes an extended visit to San Diego, forming a friendship with the errant goalie.
Through frequent reminders that they are friends without benefits, Karen struggles to keep their relationship platonic, but the more she shuts him down, the more he wants her.
Can Cage convince Karen to slip under the sheets with him, or is he destined to be firmly entrapped in the friend zone?
Nikki Worrell is a country girl from South Jersey who took her love of reading and shifted it into a love of writing.
When not at work as a full-charge bookkeeper in Philadelphia, she’s at home writing, reading or simply spending time with her husband of over twenty years. Both she and her husband love animals immensely, which is evident in her writing.
If there is any advice she would impart upon you, it is this: Follow your dreams. Always. Don't let anyone tell you it's foolish or unattainable. You have but one life to live—live it!
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